Wednesday, March 7, 2012

3 Invertebrates

Sea Cucumber: Holothuroidea 

As echinoderms, sea cucumbers, have similar physical features of most echinoderms.  At first glance, they appear to have soft- bodies that resembles cucumbers.  Their physical features includes tube feet that that has the appearance of tentacles which surrounds their mouths.  Their systems allow them to recycle the material and waste they consume.  They also have other systems that allow them to defend themselves.  They maybe attack predators with sticky threads, contracting muscles, or the ejecting of internal organs.  Their unique structures allows them to grow back such organs quickly.  

Common Earthworm: Lumbricus Terrestris

Common earthworms came be 14 inches long and they are made of annuli, ring-like segments, that are surrounded by setae, small bristles.  Their features make up of a system that allows them to burrow underground, dig, and move.  Their mouth, which is in the first segment, allows them to dig and eat the soil they dig through.  Their clitellum allows them to reproduce by forming cocoons.  

Coral: Anthozoa

Corals or polyops have physical features of a soft and tiny translucent body.  The have a calicle or a limestone skeleton that allows for protection and the forming of reefs.  As corals attach to rocks or the ocean floor, corals begins to grow to form large colonies of reefs.  Other features and systems includes poisonous tentacles that allow them to consume prey.


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