Friday, March 2, 2012

Genome Chapter Summary (5)

Chromosome 5: Environment

"It is a world of greys, of nuances, of qualifiers, of 'it depends'..."  Ripley claims that he has been misleading his readers; he s that genes are not exactly as simple as he had explained in the previous chapters.  In order to prove that genes aren't as simple at hey may seem, Ripley introduced the fifth chromosome.  One that is closely related to asthma; he begins to explain the complex, yet common disease and ties it into the complexity of genes and chromosomes.  Therefore, Ripley concludes his last paragraph by warning his readers with "You had better get used to such indeterminacy' since asthma can not be perfectly explained and chromosome 5 can not serve as a complete answer to the questions brought by asthma- why some people have asthma?, why does some people do not have asthma?, etc.  Lastly Ripley finishes by connecting to this chapter's title: "Simple determinism, whether of the genetic or environmental kind, is a depressing prospect for those with a fondness for free will."

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